

Crocs.com makes use of the Proxima Nova web font family for ALL text. Arial is a fallback font that will only be used if web fonts are not loaded (a very unlikely scenario).

Museo No More

The Proxima Nova font family has officially replaced Museo Rounded as of release 258.

Proxima Nova Black Legibility

Proxima Nova Black suffers from poor legibility at smaller font sizes. It is strongly recommended that this font weight should only be used in marketing assets (heros, banners, etc.) where the font size is generally much larger.

Proxima Nova Black
Proxima Nova Bold
Proxima Nova Regular

Proxima Nova Black
Proxima Nova Bold
Proxima Nova Regular

Base Font Reset

When an element needs to be styled with the base font of Proxima Nova Regular, but a parent has one of the brand font classes applied, use the cx-reset-font class.

Parent Headline with heavy brand font applied
Child Element Reset to Proxima Nova Regular Font

Parent Headline with heavy brand font applied
Child Element Reset to Proxima Nova Regular Font


Headings should use the <h1> through <h6> elements, as necessary, to establish a structural hierarchy for page content, with <h1> being the top level heading and inferred page title. It is generally considered a best practice to include only one <h1> per page.

Note that users of assistive technologies will keyboard navigate the page by heading level, so give careful thought to the hierarchy of your content.

Brand font not specified globally on headings

The Proxima Nova font is not specified in the cx-heading style declaration, or directly on <h1> through <h6> elements. This allows us to separate structural (semantic) hierarchy from the visual hierarchy. There are three levels of visual hierarchy defined by the cx-heading classes.

Heading Level 1

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 1

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Body Copy

The font size of copy is applied with the cx-copy class. The default size is 14px on desktop and 16px on mobile. Sizes are adjusted through the addition of smaller, larger, and largest classes. Copy should never be smaller than 13px on desktop or 14px on mobile.

No margin or padding is applied globally to <p> elements or the cx-copy class. A bottom margin will be applied only when they are combined (<p class="cx-copy">...<p>). The bottom margin will be equal to half of the calculated line height.

Smaller block of body copy with 13px font size on mobile and desktop.

Standard block of body copy with 16px font size on mobile and 14px on desktop.

Larger block of body copy with 18px font size on mobile and desktop.

Largest block of body copy with 20px font size on mobile and desktop.

Smaller block of body copy...

Standard block of body copy...

Larger block of body copy...

Largest block of body copy...

Text Alignment

Add the text-left, text-right, and text-center classes to align text left, right, and center, respectively.

Left-aligned text.

Right-aligned text.

Centered text.

Left-aligned text.

Right-aligned text.

Centered text.

Text Formatting

The HTML tags and/or CSS classes illustrated below can be used to format text.


If the purpose of bold text is to call special attention to a word or words, use the strong tag. Screen readers may speak this text in a different voice or tone for emphasis. If the text is bold purely for presentational purposes, use the bold or text-bold CSS classes.

The strong tag will bold text.

The bold class will bold text.

The text-bold class will bold text.

The strong tag will bold text. 
The bold class will bold text.
The text-bold class will bold text.


The em tag will italicize text.

The em tag will italicize text. 


While the s and del tags are visually identical, they serve very different purposes. The s tag is meant for text that is currently (or no longer) relevant. A good example is the crossed out retail price when a product is on sale. The del tag is meant for text that has been removed or deleted, which doesn't apply to pricing.

The s tag should be used for strikethrough text.

The s tag should be used for strikethrough text.


These CSS classes are useful for changing the case of text. text-uppercase will capitalize every letter, while text-capitalize will only capitalize the first letter of every word. Note: text-capitalize will also capitalize articles (e.g. the, of, an), which are usually lowercase when using title case.

capitalize every letter

capitalize the first letter of every word

capitalize every letter
capitalize the first letter of every word

Screen Readers and ALL CAPS

Screen readers behave unpredictably when encountering text written in ALL CAPS on the page. They will often spell out ALL CAPS words. For example, CROCS will be announced as C R O C S. Use the text-uppercase class to visually transform lowercase text into ALL CAPS.

Text Colors

The default color for copy is dark gray, which provides the contrast necessary for ADA compliance when present on a white background. See Colors for classes that can be used to specify alternative text colors.


Ordered and unordered HTML list elements are unstyled by default on crocs.com (that is, no numbers, bullets, or list formatting). To style lists, add the cx-list class to <ol> and <ul> elements.

Ordered (numbered) lists

For lists where the order matters, use ordered lists (<ol>). Individual list items (<li>) will be numbered in ascending order.

  1. First item
  2. Second item
    1. Nested item 1
    2. Nested item 2
    3. Nested item 3
  3. Third item

  1. First item
  2. Second item
    1. Nested item 1
    2. Nested item 2
    3. Nested item 3
  3. Third item

Unordered (bulleted) lists

For lists where the order does not matter, use unordered lists (<ul>). Individual list items (<li>) will be bulleted.

  • First item
  • Second item
    • Nested item 1
    • Nested item 2
    • Nested item 3
  • Third item

  • First item
  • Second item
    • Nested item 1
    • Nested item 2
    • Nested item 3
  • Third item

Compact Lists

Where space is at a premium, add the cx-list-compact class to <ul> or <ol> elements already styled with the cx-list class to reduce list indentation. NOTE: This class applies to the current level only. Nested lists must also have the class applied as necessary.

Compact list below will be left-aligned with this paragraph (no indentation).

  • First item
  • Second item
    1. Nested list with compact indentation
    2. Nested item 2
    3. Nested item 3
  • Third item
    1. Nested list with regular indentation
    2. Nested item 2
    3. Nested item 3

Compact list below will be left-aligned with this paragraph (no indentation).

  • First item
  • Second item
    1. Nested list with compact indentation
    2. Nested item 2
    3. Nested item 3
  • Third item
    1. Nested list with regular indentation
    2. Nested item 2
    3. Nested item 3

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