Links & Buttons

Hover and focus styling must match

The styling of :hover (mouse) and :focus (keyboard) pseudo states must be identical. For example, if a link/button changes color and/or receives an underline when the user mouses over it (hover), those same changes must be applied when the user tabs to the link/button via keyboard (focus).

Focus outline

The focus outline helps users with low vision to clearly identify which item on the page has keyboard focus. Do not set outline: 0; without defining an alternative visual indicator of focus.

Text links can be blue (default) or dark gray.

Always specify href attribute

In order for <a> elements to receive keyboard focus, they must have an href attribute value defined. Accessibility guidelines require that all interactions provided to mouse users must also be made available to keyboard users.

Default link styling
Dark gray link


There are four styles of buttons from which to choose. Specific font classes do not need to be applied to the buttons, as the corporate web font is specified directly within the cx-button CSS style declaration.

Button Classes


Full-width Buttons

Add the full-width class to a button to make it fill the available container width.


Compact Buttons

Add the cx-button-compact class to a cx-button for smaller buttons (same font size, less padding).


Various HTML Elements as Buttons

Button classes should only be used on <button>, <input>, and <a> elements. While technically they can be used on elements such as <div> and <span>, screen readers may ignore keyboard events attached to these elements, leading to a failure of ADA compliance.

Always specify type attribute

Browsers can have different default values for the type attribute of <button> and <input>elements, so always specify one. Possible values are submit, reset, and button.

Links used as buttons

If an <a> element is used to mimic the behavior of a button – for example, triggering in-page functionality instead of linking to another page – the role of button should be included (role="button"). Never wrap a <button> with an <a> element, or vice versa, to achieve this functionality as it is not semantic and may cause issues with keyboard navigation.

Submit and button input elements

The superCuteForms plugin used on finds all <input> elements present on a page and applies custom markup, styling, and browser events. To prevent this behavior, add the noSuperCute class to all <input> elements using the cx-button class.

Back to Top Link

Crocs Home Link

Button States

Buttons have four possible user interaction states.

Disabled buttons

The disabled class and disabled="disabled" attribute/value should be added to buttons when interaction with them is turned off. For example, the submit button for a form is disabled until all required fields have been populated. Disabled buttons cannot receive keyboard focus/input or mouse clicks.

Active state

Add the active class to a button to display it as selected. Also, add the aria-pressed="true" attribute/value so that the active state will be announced by screen readers.

Default Active/Hover Focus Disabled

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